
Friday, August 3, 2018

Native Bird Writing

WALT: write a persuasive writing

NZ Falcon/Karearea

Have you ever wondered what’s on that $20 note, the elegent bird in the corner,that’s a Karearea. The Karearea is a beautiful and strong specie of bird. They are known as the New Zealand Falcon, but they are endangered and I’m going to tell you what the problem is and why they are important.

The Karearea is an endangered bird specie of New Zealand. They are found in the north island, mainly in the south of hamilton and waikato. Like other birds

The NZ government has made a lore that no native birds of New Zealand are to be hunted or poached.Although the Karearea is endangered, there are still ways to save them. Many years ago the native people of New Zealand used to hunt them for food. They didn’t understand or have the knowledge of why the Karearea is important. Now days scientists have realised that native birds are a huge part of New Zealand’s history and we need to keep them alive. The NZ government has made a law that no native birds of New Zealand are to be hunted or poached.

The current population of the Karearea/NZ Falcon is not certain but scientists say that the most accurate amount is 5,000 - 8,000 left in the whole of New Zealand. Compared to the Kiwi population of 100,000 the population of Karearea is just under 90,000 less, thats a big difference. If hunters are hunting them then their population will become lesser and lesser quickly.

Now do you think that the the beautiful, strong, and historical Karearea is important. Hopefully you now understand my point of view and help me save the Karearea.


  1. great work Breeana. I like your conclusion

  2. Great work Breeana. I like how you have interesting facts.

  3. Kia Ora Breeana, Our class Te Kauru from Paparore School read your writing about the NZ falcon. We enjoyed your writing because you shared many interesting ideas and have added quality vocab. Next time, maybe read over your writing to make sure you haven't repeated yourself. We are currently learning about Native New Zealand species and we have added some of our writing about Kiwi and Tuatara on our blogs. Please come read our blogs. We look forward to reading more about your learning and connecting further. Te Kauru Students.

    1. You can find our class site at
