
Wednesday, August 29, 2018


WALT: write a level 4 speech

Trust ME with OUR future

Trust me … Our past has been ruined by my grandparents generation and my generation has been left to deal with the mess that you made. Trust me with our future because I couldn’t trust you.

The first reason I know that you can trust me with our future is because I will STOP animal captivity. They don’t even have anything wrong with them. The only time that animals should be kept in captivity is when they are sick or have been hurt and are in need of human help and medication. I know that wild animals have a better quality of life in their natural habitat… They do NOT need to be kept behind bars with humans googling at them all day long. For example if a elephant has been slashed then they should be taken to the vet and be held captive for a good cause. I feel like we shouldn’t be treating animals in that way.

Another reason I know you can trust me with our future is because I know how to solve global warming...Global warming is making a huge impact on the environment. It is caused by gases not being balanced. The gases that make up our atmosphere are called greenhouse gases. There are 4 greenhouse gases, methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor and ozone. On earth to much carbon dioxide is being released so the warm air is kept trapped on earth, that is why it is so hot and why we actually have global warming. Carbon dioxide is getting released mostly by cars, fossil fuels and nuclear chimneys. Every year that goes by, gets hotter and hotter because more carbon dioxide is being used by us … humans. I think that carbon dioxide can be reduced by people using electric vehicles and by the reduction of burning fossil fuels and nuclear power plants. Trust me!

Finally you NEED to trust me with our future because I will ban plastics forever, I know you know how dangerous plastics are for our environment!! Plastic is a horrible invention that is taking over the world, because of plastic the oceans are now becoming disgusting and are piling with plastic which is affecting our sea life and our younger generations future. When people like you and I go to the grocery store we don’t really put a thought into our head about plastic. We think that a ten cents plastic bag is pretty cheap, but it isn’t really with all the horrific damage it is making. If you buy a $5 cloth bag it will last a year or two even, but if you by a 10c plastic bag not only is it polluting our ocean and our atmosphere but it also can only be used once or twice so it will be tossed quicker. I feel that if we stop using plastic bags now our future will become better for my generation and the generations to come. If we keep buying plastic bags the world wide problem will become even worse.

Don’t become another disrespectful generation, and start to care for the environment and our surroundings. I am sick of cleaning up the mess you have made. It is time to make a change and it will start with me if you trust me with our future.

Reflection -
My speech was hard to write because I didn't know much about the topics especially global warming. I think I did well with writing a good amount of work. I enjoyed learning more about these topics.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Karearea/NZ Falcon

WALT: draw native birds

Native Bird Writing

WALT: write a persuasive writing

NZ Falcon/Karearea

Have you ever wondered what’s on that $20 note, the elegent bird in the corner,that’s a Karearea. The Karearea is a beautiful and strong specie of bird. They are known as the New Zealand Falcon, but they are endangered and I’m going to tell you what the problem is and why they are important.

The Karearea is an endangered bird specie of New Zealand. They are found in the north island, mainly in the south of hamilton and waikato. Like other birds

The NZ government has made a lore that no native birds of New Zealand are to be hunted or poached.Although the Karearea is endangered, there are still ways to save them. Many years ago the native people of New Zealand used to hunt them for food. They didn’t understand or have the knowledge of why the Karearea is important. Now days scientists have realised that native birds are a huge part of New Zealand’s history and we need to keep them alive. The NZ government has made a law that no native birds of New Zealand are to be hunted or poached.

The current population of the Karearea/NZ Falcon is not certain but scientists say that the most accurate amount is 5,000 - 8,000 left in the whole of New Zealand. Compared to the Kiwi population of 100,000 the population of Karearea is just under 90,000 less, thats a big difference. If hunters are hunting them then their population will become lesser and lesser quickly.

Now do you think that the the beautiful, strong, and historical Karearea is important. Hopefully you now understand my point of view and help me save the Karearea.