
Wednesday, December 4, 2019


WALT; be creative through peotry Reflection: Before I made this slide i didn't really know how to write poetry. Now that I now how to write poetry it is becoming fun.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Our holes book cover

Our holes book cover

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Triangles Poster

Different Triangles

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Holes Comprehension

Holes Comprehension

Holes Summary

Holes Summary

WALT introduce the novel we've chosen and our literacy goals for the term.

This term the novel I have decided to read is called Holes. The author of this very interesting book is a man called Louis Sachar. The main location in this novel called camp green lake is run to stop bad boys behaviour. Elizabeth, Lyric, Rachna and Aneika are also reading this book. My goal for this term is to finish Holes within 5 weeks and write level 4 summary.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday, September 2, 2019


WALT: find the variable

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


WALT: summarise the text in our own words

In professional film making everyone has their own assigned job. When our class is film making we have more then one job. For example I could be the recorder and in charge of sound at the same time while someone else could be the director and a actor. 

Monday, August 26, 2019

Order of Operation

WALT: solve algebraic equations

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

WALT: Summarise a text

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cross country training recount

WALT: write level 4 recounts

Last week on Friday we were asked to get in to small groups of about 4 or 5. I was in a group with Elizabeth, Isaac, Dakota and Kauri. Before we started recording we had a discussion about what our film was about. Then the  Isaac came up with an idea of recording himself getting hurt. We called it Ihaka origins. After figuring out the name we got started. It was really hilarious because Isaac kept getting hurt and all we had to was record, sit down and watch. Elizabeth and I were on recording and Isaac, Dakota and Kauri were in the videos.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Literacy Series

WALT: think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information. Reflection: In the last two weeks we have been working on our literacy series. We have been working on things such as the brain, the solar system, astrology and the elements. We have been doing a lot of writing and I have learn't a lot. We have also been doing a lot of hands on stuff such as making a Sculpt GL brain, a tinkercad solar system and we are currently making dream catchers. I worked with my friends and I think we work best together.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Squaring Whole Numbers

WALT: square whole numbers This is mine and Lizzy's slide on squaring whole numbers. When we first started to learn how to square numbers I was really confused but now that I know how to do it I think that it is really easy. All you have to do is times the number by itself. Next time instead of using a table for the squares we should actually use squares, copy them and place them.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Bouncy Eggs

WALT: make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.

Egg, vinegar and a jar

First place your egg very carefully in the jar. Next add vinegar and make sure that the egg is fully submerged. Wait for about 4 days. Last take the egg out of the jar, rinse it off and see if it bounces.

The changes I saw was that the shell started to peel of the egg and the egg became white. I enjoyed waiting because of seeing all the differences through the days. I think that next time we should leave them in the jar for a bit longer because the eggs didn't bounce they splashed.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Team Building-Marshmallow Catapult

WALT: Show our school values during team building.

 Reflection; today for team building we had to make a marshmallow catapult. It was pretty hard because the marshmallows kept on getting squished and it was very tempting not to eat them. I think that this week we were better at teamwork. We were communicating with each other and getting everyone's ideas. I think the school values that we used most were equity and kindness. We used equity by getting everyone's ideas and giving everyone a go. We used kindness by not putting people down if we disagreed and using kind words.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Team Building

WALT: show our school values during team building

Reflection: For today's team building we had to build a tower out of toothpicks and marshmallows. We had to work as a team to try and build the tallest. We also had to tell some of the people in the team to stop eating the marshmallows. It was difficult working as a team because some people weren't pay attention and others were doing all the work. We used kindness by asking them nicely to participate. Next time me could definitely work on our equity and working as a team. Either way we got it done and ended up having the tallest. Everyone in the team got a lolly for having the tallest tower.

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Heart-Breeana & Elizabeth

WALT: Research and learn about the human heart. Reflection: It was really fun learning more about the body. I learn't a lot of interesting facts. Next time I will make my drawing a little bit more vivid and bold.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Digestive System

WALT: think critically about texts and respond accordingly.

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Skeletal System

WALT:think critically about texts and respond accordingly Reflection: I really enjoyed putting the skeleton together, it was sort of like a puzzle. I think my skeleton turned out pretty good. Next time I might add in a bit more examples.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences

My class has been learning about sentence structure. We have been learning about simple, compound and complex sentences. We have also been working on using FANBOYS and ISAWAWABUB to put two ideas together in one sentence. Reflection: Next time I might add a bit more photos to explain.

My identity

This term my class has been learning about our identity and were we come from. Some of us have made a book to share our learning. Our books include cultural photos of ourselves, our Whakapapa art, our Whakapapa, Our pepeha art and our Pepeha. Here are some photos of my book.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Waitangi Storyboard

WALT: Use storyboard for our learning.

Reflection: Next time I will add a bit more scenes.

Waitangi Slide

WALT: Research Waitangi and shown my learning on a slide. Reflection: Next time I think I should add some more photos.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

WALT: use quotes from musicians
Reflection: I chose this song because I always listen to it and I feel like it is very inspirational.