
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Docs Ninja Challenge

WALT: Use docs correctly and find out how to add things on a doc and become a google docs ninja. Reflection: It was interesting learning about the different things that can be used on docs. I learnt a lot of things that I didn't know you can use on docs. I recommend using these short cut do do your work etc. It was easy to use with the shortcuts.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Places in Wellington

WALT - Research about Wellington and find out how storyboard works.

Reflection - Story board is a really fun and easy way to put your work. Next time I might add some more charters that aren't talking to make it look more realistic.

Thank you Letter - Khrista National Library

WALT - We are learning to write a level 4 Thank you letter
 Reflection - Next time I might add some photos from our trip there.