
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jungle Animal Chart Results

Jungle Animal Chart Results
I was surprised with the results, I thought that panda would get the most votes or at least get some votes but pandas got no votes at all. I'm surprised with how many people voted for snakes. I thought that no one would vote for snakes. Tigers got the most votes with 35% of the class voting for them and spiders got the least amount of votes with 5% of the class voting for them. 

Monday, May 28, 2018

My Turtle art

My Turtle art

Friday, May 25, 2018

Kinosternon Turtles report

Kinosternon Turtle

Have you ever seen a kinosternon sea turtle? If you haven’t them i’m going then I going to tell you about them so that you know how amazing they are and keep them from going extinct.

Where you can find them
The Kinosternon sea turtles are found in The United States, Mexico and Central America. They originated from Mexico ,which means that they were first found in mexico and are native to that area.

Kinosternon Turtle 

Have you ever seen a kinosternon sea turtle? If you haven’t them i’m going then I going to tell you about them so that you know how amazing they are and keep them from going extinct.

Where you can find them 

The Kinosternon sea turtles are found in The United States, Mexico and Central America. They originated from Mexico ,which means that they were first found in mexico and are native to that area. 
What they look like

The Kinosternon sea turtle looks alot like other sea except for a couple of differences. They a smaller than the average sized sea turtle and there carapace (upper part of there shell) are not highly domed like other sea turtle.

Their Diet
Kinosternon turtles eat the same things that normal sea turtles do and they are carnivores which means they eat meat. So they eat meat such as fish.
So I hope you learnt alot from what i’ve told you and I hope you work to to your best and save them.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Pie Chart

Favourite Animals Results

Friday, May 11, 2018



Netball is a great physical game that you should try out,
even if you are a boy. It involves physical fitness such as
running, defending and shooting. There are different year
levels that you can get past depending on how good you are
and your skills. If you want you can keep practising you might
be as good as the silver ferns and get to there year level.

How to play

So you can become a silver fern, I will tell you how to play.
Whatever team is starting, their centre player starts with the
ball in the centre circle. The aim of the game is to get the ball
to your teams hoop and soar it through to score a point.


Now i’m going to tell you the rules so you don’t get call out by
the referee.
  1. You can’t run or move your legs when you have the ball.
  2. While you are defending you can’t be closer than a meter
  3. from your opposition.
  4. Your not allowed to touch or push your position away from
  5. the ball otherwise it would be called as contact.
  6. When the game starts your first pass can’t be thrown
  7. over the centre third.
  8. You can’t run anywhere that your position is not meant
  9. to be and you can’t run over the border lines.
  10. NO talking back to the referees.


The netball positions are centre, goal attack, goal defence,
goal shoot, goalkeeper, wing attack and wing defence.
If your position is goal attack, wing attack, goal defence or
wing defence then you are only allowed in the centre third and
one of the other thirds. If your position is centre then your
allowed everywhere but the goal circles. And if you are goal
shoot and goal keep then your allowed in one of the outside
thirds and  the goal circle.


I hope you take my advice, keep practising and use your skills
to become a Silver Fern one day.